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Objection to any release of personal information without a court order

  • To: <comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Objection to any release of personal information without a court order
  • From: "Lisa M. Englert" <lisa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 15:08:19 -0400



Regarding the proposed rules governing companies that provide WHOIS privacy
services (as set forth in the Privacy and Policy Services Accreditation
Issues Policy document), I strongly urge you to respect Internet users'
rights to privacy and due process.


As a small woman-owned business operating from my home office, I have
serious safety concerns about having to publicize my residential address
just to have a website. 


I firmly believe that everyone deserves the right to privacy - and that no
one's personal information should be revealed without a court order,
regardless of whether the request comes from a private individual or law
enforcement agency. 


I implore you to respect the privacy rights of all netizens by *not*
revealing their personal and confidential WHOIS data without due process.


Thank you.              


Best regards,
Lisa Englert


Lisa M. Englert, Virtual Assistant
virtualme, inc.
 <http://www.virtualme.biz/> http://www.virtualme.biz 
(919) 342-0806 ET

<http://www.facebook.com/virtualmeVA>  <https://twitter.com/lisaenglert> 

virtualme and you. The perfect pairing. 



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