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  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN
  • From: David Reader <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 02 Jul 2015 19:30:05 +0000

Before beginning please considered that your public forums present partial
users email, and this month both USA Today and Fortune state Gmail has
reach 900 million users.

If ICANN wishes to earn the trust of it users, and to establish itself as a
steward of responsible citizenship for the integrity of online transparency
should include forums. The first step would be to revise guidelines of
publish the entire portion or most of a person's email address before the
"@" symbol in public forums. With Gmail approaching a billion users in the
near future I would have ICANN considered the words "partially obscured" to
be considered for revision.

"While your email address will be partially obscured, the content of your email
and any identifying information contained within it will be published in
full on ICANN's website."

To whom it may concern:

New rules for WHOIS would expose my family to undue safety concerns through
publishing my home address. Either an unhappy customer, or a big admirer
could just as easily ring my doorbell. Do I not have the ability to
separate my business from my home? My domain host has my information which
would be easy enough for any government agency to obtain. Please considered
another solution as the proposed action to unveil my identity also closes
the doors to blogs, churches, schools, and clubs in respect to privacy.  If
we are removing privacies from companies would the next step be that every
email owner have their home address listed. What would be the reasoning for
not publishing this information? My domain’s sell no products and have no
ability to cause harm more than my email account could.

I pay a premium for this luxury instead why not allow the domain owner the
choice to identify or not, and charge the inquirer a fee for this
information.  John Doe wants to know about the owner of abc.com why not
request a $10 nonrefundable fee, and I the owner not the host can decide to
honor this request. $10 would reduce request while ensure some
accountability to the requestor.  If an inquirer stated they were
interested with a valid reasoning for the information I personally would
disclose. However, the choice should be mine. Should Jeff Bezos provide his
home address, or should he ask an employee to provide theirs?  Can
companies hide under their business address, and does that mean you are
only wanting to expose home users? I personally believe ICANN is opening
itself up to litigation and the first event of a knock on the home owner’s
door will either hold ICANN as liable or deeply despised. Lastly, medical
support groups, life choices, and the thousand other reasons that a
person’s privacy should be protected are being ignored. Home many laws
starting with HIPPA need to be broken or bent to see this won't work. To
prove my point ask all the employees in your company to provide their home
addresses and publish them in the WSJ, New York Times, and on your company
website. Feeling uncomfortable, now place an individual’s income that
depends on that little url at stake and you have a recipe for disaster.
Please take the time to come up with a plan that benefits all without
jeopardizing personal safeties and freedoms.

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