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ICANN - Respect Our Privacy
- To: <comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: ICANN - Respect Our Privacy
- From: "Dev's Adventure Tours " <anne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015 08:08:27 +0800
Regarding the proposed rules governing companies that provide WHOIS privacy
services (as set forth in the Privacy and Policy Services Accreditation
Issues Policy document):
I urge you to respect internet users' rights to privacy and due process.
- Everyone deserves the right to privacy.
- No ones personal information should be revealed without a court order,
regardless of whether the request comes from a private individual or law
enforcement agency.
Private information should be kept private. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Anne-Marie van Goudoever
Company logo
Dev's Adventure Tours Sdn Bhd
(752183-M) (KPL/LN: 6258)
P.O. Box 152
07000 Langkawi
Kedah, Malaysia
Tel. +60 (0) 19 4949193 cid:image002.jpg@01D004B0.BD096890
Fax +60 (0) 4 9554892
Website: www.langkawi-nature.com
E-mail: anne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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