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respect our privacy

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: respect our privacy
  • From: "Jennifer M. Faer" <jfaer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 18:04:37 -0700

I am a private investigator who works from home. I am also a disabled woman. My privacy is incredibly important to me, but it is also necessary. If my home address becomes public knowledge, my safety and my life could be at stake. This is just one example: My client was the victim of unspeakable abuse. She hires me to find a lost relative, partially out of fear that the relative may be in danger, now that the abuser is out of jail. Due to the nature of my work and my role in the lives of the abused, it is important that I protect myself, as well as my clients. My home address must not become public record or my own life could be in danger. My clients' lives could be in danger, if someone breaks into my home and accesses my secured client files. I happily pay a few dollars each year for my web host to protect my privacy.
Victims of abuse and online bullying who maintain their own domains for 
personal reasons, but generate advertising revenue, or conduct 
crowdfunding on their websites must also be protected. Since anyone at 
any time could become the victim of online and offline abuse, it is 
imperative that you respect everyone's privacy who desires that protection.
There are many small business owners who work from home and non-business 
owners who just run their own domains who need or want their privacy to 
be protected. Their reasons range from life or death to a personal 
I am very confident that anyone who has a legitimate need to access my 
physical location without my knowledge will be able to do so through the 
existing legal channels. There is no valid justification for putting 
lives in danger by forcing us to disclose our addresses through WHOIS data.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer M. Faer
Faer Forensic Investigations
Modesto, California

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