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WHOIS Proposal Complaint

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: WHOIS Proposal Complaint
  • From: Sky Gryph <flandre.valley@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 23:35:15 -0500


Please reconsider your proposal to do away with WHOIS privacy. Having one's
personal information readily available is shocking. With such information
at just about anyone's fingertips, safety becomes a pressing concern. What
would stop someone from stalking, harassing, or threatening a website owner
they happened to disagree with or simply disliked? While I have never owned
a site myself, I have considered it. Under these new laws, that
consideration would be thrown out the window. I would never post my address
and full name around the Internet, so why would I (or anyone) be willing to
let that information be exposed? You are hurting innocent people with these
laws by tearing away their privacy and safety, simply for the sake of
pacifying Hollywood. Do not tell me that this proposal will protect anyone;
this benefits power-hungry companies, nothing more. If the people matter to
you--people as in real people, not companies-then stand down. This is a
dangerous law, and I dread to think what will happen if it is passed. Are
trademark and copyright infringements more important to you than people's
safety? Think that over carefully. If you can honestly answer with a "yes",
then the state of our country and its priorities has truly collapsed. You
will set a precedent for the wallets of companies being more important than
our well-being. Is this your vision for society? If not (and I hope any
remotely empathetic person would answer with a strong "no"), then do what
is right and retract this proposal.


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