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ICANN - Respect Our Privacy

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN - Respect Our Privacy
  • From: Tom Corrao <sanskimost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2015 04:59:08 -0500

For the record, the proposed changes border on farcical, and let's be open
and honest here; we all know who is behind the proposed changes and why.
ICANN is not here to bend to the whims of a select few who seek to change
the rules to their benefit only - a change, I might add, that has the
potential to affect anyone who someone else sees fit to target for any
perceived transgression.

We're offered reassurances by these businesses that these changes would
only be used in select cases, but do not and cannot offers guarantees of
this. Nor do they offer any explanation how this will not be abused, or
offer strict guidelines and rules that would prevent any abuses. Most
importantly, they cannot offer any assurances that this is not the slippery
slope. Today, copyright - tomorrow dissidents? Websites that another
business feels is causing harm to their interests?

These changes will have far-reaching ramifications which should not be
trivialized. If approved, it is a given that representatives and businesses
will take alternate steps to protect their interests and privacy - not
because they are engaged in illegal activity, but because the potential
will now exist for their privacy to be stripped away. Information will now
be falsified, shell organizations will be listed to shield interests and
privacy. We're offered pablum and hollow words that this isn't the case but
it would be foolish to think differently. Immediate revelation and
suspension would be demanded by those pushing these changes just because
they're not getting reliable registrant information - and we ALL know it.

Last, ICANN doesn't exist to be manipulated and twisted to protect
someone's business interests; it exists for everyone, a clearinghouse to
manage the herculean task of managing the countless registrars out there.
Alternate means exist for a business to seek redress if there is a
legitimate interest or reason. It is not to make their sledgehammer
approach easier and more cost effective for themselves. Courts exist for
this very reason and if one believes what those pushing for this say,
they've been wildly successful already using the existing tools at their
disposal. The proposed changes aren't for the greater good or to make the
Internet a better place; it is driven by purely selfish reasons and profits.

For the above reasons listed (as well as many others that are not), I am
vehemently opposed to the proposed changes and urge ICANN to reject the
proposed changes. I urge others to spend time looking at who is behind
this, why, recognize their motives, and object to these proposed changes.

Thank you,


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