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Consultation on Root Zone KSK Rollover from Netnod

  • To: comments-root-zone-consultation-08mar13@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Consultation on Root Zone KSK Rollover from Netnod
  • From: Patrik Fältström <paf@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 14:34:12 +0200

Netnod do view root key roll over as something that should be done. More 

- We do believe the keys should be rolled

- ICANN should interview the ccTLDs that rolled keys before the root was signed 
so that ICANN is absolutely sure they do know of all glitches that occurred at 
that time

- RFC 5011 should be used

- Keys should be rolled slowly, although of course the size of responses should 
be monitored and minimized

Regarding other responses we do support, we specifically would like to 
reference the following two:


   Patrik Fältström
   Head of Research and Development

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