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Demand Media Comment Rights Protection Mechanism requirements
- To: "comments-rpm-requirements-06aug13@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-rpm-requirements-06aug13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Demand Media Comment Rights Protection Mechanism requirements
- From: Jeff Eckhaus <eckhaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 08:52:18 -0700
Demand Media Public Comment – Rights Protection Mechanism requirements
Demand Media is grateful for the opportunity to reply to previously submitted
comments on the published Rights Protection Mechanism (RPM) requirements.
Specifically we would like to highlight and agree with the comments submitted
by ARI Registry Services and the issue of Credentials and Testing
Section 1.5 – Credentials and Testing
“Registry Operator MUST NOT accept a Sunrise Registration (as defined in
Section 2 below) or Claims
Registration (as defined in Section 3 below) from any registrar that has not
completed Integration
Testing. ICANN and the TMCH Sunrise and Claims Operator will maintain a list of
registrars that have
completed Integration Testing and make such list available to Registry Operator
either through
ICANN’s website or the Trademark Clearinghouse’s website. Such list will be
updated by ICANN on a
daily basis.”
Demand Media questions the reasoning behind this new requirement proposed by
ICANN and would like to point out that it serves no technical purpose, as there
is no interaction between the TMCH and a Registrar during the Sunrise period.
The only product of this requirement is additional technical burdens placed on
Registrars who are already diligently working to implement the requirements of
the 2013 RAA in time for the launch of new gTLDs.
Let’s remember that ICANN has already mandated in the Registry Agreement that
to be a Registrar for new gTLDs a Registrar must have signed the 2013 RAA and
implemented all of the new protections included. As a Registrar, we can state
that this is not a trivial task, but one that we have accepted to take on for
the improvement of the ICANN community and for the benefit Internet users.
To be clear, we are asking ICANN to amend the RPM requirements document and
remove the term “Sunrise Registration” from Section 1.5. There is no
demonstrable technical need for this requirement nor is this requirement needed
to implement any of the trademark protections that are built into the new gTLD
Best Regards,
Jeffrey Eckhaus
Jeffrey Eckhaus
SVP Corporate Development
O: 425.298.2607
M: 917.750.9890
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