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RySG comments on Removal of Searchable Whois Service RSEP

  • To: "comments-sharp-proposed-amendment-30jul15@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-sharp-proposed-amendment-30jul15@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RySG comments on Removal of Searchable Whois Service RSEP
  • From: Paul Diaz <pdiaz@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 22:58:40 +0000

Please find attached comments from the Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) on 
the Removal of Searchable Whois Service from .SHARP Registry Agreement.

In the interest of time, the RySG do not conduct a formal vote on these 
comments. They were circulated and debated on our mailing list, however, and no 
member expressed opposition to the submission of these comments.

We are available to respond to any questions.


Paul Diaz
Chair elect, RySG

Attachment: RySG on SHARP Searchable WHOIS.pdf
Description: RySG on SHARP Searchable WHOIS.pdf

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