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My comments on the review of the TCRs(Comments from a TCR)
- To: comments-tcr-dnssec-key-signing-21jan14@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: My comments on the review of the TCRs(Comments from a TCR)
- From: ALAIN AINA <aalain@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 21:59:44 +0400
1. Is the current TCR model effectively performing its function of ensuring
trust in the KSK management process?
Not as one could expect as not all TCRs are able to join ceremonies.
2. Is the current size of the TCR pool appropriate to ensure sufficient
participation in the ceremonies, while not overburdening the availability of
specific volunteers?
The pool seems ok and distribution fair.
3. Should there be a minimum level of participation required of a TCR in
order to be considered to be successfully discharging their duties?
Yes. At least, should attend one of the two ceremonies each facility holds
a year.
4. There is no standard provision to refresh the list of TCRs except when
they are replaced due to inability to effectively perform their function.
Should there be a process to renew the pool of TCRs, such as using term limits
or another rotation mechanism?
Not sure it is a good idea. May be in a new future, TCR may no longer be needed
and ceremonies done by staff and open to people who want to attend
physically and the rest of the community witness remotely.
5. The current model does not compensate TCRs for their services in order
to ensure their independence from ICANN.
It should continue. No need to compensate TCRs for the services.
a. Should the model of TCRs paying the costs of their participation be
No. Cover costs for those especially from Developing world and others who can
not afford. Other may not need. So it should be optional
b. Would some form of compensation to offset the expenses incurred by the
TCRs detract from their independence in performing the role?
c. If you support compensating TCRs for their expenses, are there
requirements or limitations on whom the funding organization should be?
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