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Comments on TCR Review
- To: comments-tcr-dnssec-key-signing-21jan14@xxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Comments on TCR Review
- From: Jim Reid <jim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 16:57:25 +0000
I write these comments in a personal capacity.
1. Is the current TCR model effectively performing its function of ensuring
trust in the KSK management process?
Yes. However I think there needs to be more transparency on the selection and
removal of the TCRs. Everyone should have confidence in the mechanisms used to
choose TCRs and satisfy themselves that these procedures used are fair,
non-discriminatory and that the chosen candidates are broadly representative of
Internet stakeholders.
2. Is the current size of the TCR pool appropriate to ensure sufficient
participation in the ceremonies, while not overburdening the availability of
specific volunteers?
Yes. It seems about right. There are probably more TCRs than strictly necessary
but this extra capacity allows a wide safety margin for unplanned eventualities
like last-minute travel problems or changes to work/family commitments.
3. Should there be a minimum level of participation required of a TCR in order
to be considered to be successfully discharging their duties?
Yes. I am not sure what that threshold should be though, presumably attendance
at X out of Y cerermonies.
Most Internet organisations will have something in their bye-laws which sets
out these terms for their board members. Something comparable could apply to
TCRs. It would also be advisable to make provision for forced removal of a TCR,
for instance if they act in a way which is incompatible with their TCR duties.
The bye-laws for board member removal may be a suitable guide here.
4. There is no standard provision to refresh the list of TCRs except when they
are replaced due to inability to effectively perform their function. Should
there be a process to renew the pool of TCRs, such as using term limits or
another rotation mechanism?
Yes. It's absolutely essential. Staggered term limits are probably the best way
of achieving this. It must be done in a way which ensures robustness and
stability while also allowing a healthy turnover of the TCR membership. That
must be coupled to an open and transparent selection/appointment procedure.
TCRs must be rotated regularly, say with staggered term limits of 5-7 years.
5. The current model does not compensate TCRs for their services in order to
ensure their independence from ICANN.
a. Should the model of TCRs paying the costs of their participation be retained?
No. Though it should not be completely abandoned. If a TCR is able to have the
costs of their participation covered by their employer or another third party,
that is fine and it should continue.
However that model artificially constrains the pool of potential candidates for
this important role. Some means of funding has to be found for TCRs who cannot
afford or justify the costs of participation. This is essential to ensuring the
widest choice of TCRs. It cannot be acceptable to reject a good TCR because of
a lack of funding to cover their out of pocket expenses or to only choose TCRs
from amongst those who have already arranged funding support for that role.
If ICANN wants the widest range of TCRs, it must find ways of funding the
expenses of TCRs who are unable to get that financial support elsewhere.
b. Would some form of compensation to offset the expenses incurred by the TCRs
detract from their independence in performing the role?
No. The idea is absurd and quite frankly insulting. TCRs get chosen because
they are trusted! It is just not credible that their independence or reputation
could be called into question because they received compensation for their
expenses. Anyone who might be influenced in that way should not be able to get
appointed anyway. Though it's hard to see how expenses-only compensation for a
TCR could somehow compromise the integrity of a key-signing ceremony or the
independence of the TCR.
There are plenty of examples where organisations and people do independent work
on behalf of ICANN and get paid for their efforts and/or expenses. There is no
reason why TCRs would be any different from that long established practice.
c. If you support compensating TCRs for their expenses, are there requirements
or limitations on whom the funding organization should be?
TCRs should be able to be compensated for reasonable out of pocket expenses for
travel and subsistence at a level that's in line with industry norms. They
should not be paid for their time.
It is important though there is no one source of funding because that becomes a
single point of failure. I think a hybrid model might work well. Some TCRs
could be supported by their employer. Others might have their expenses paid by
ICANN (or some other body) on a case by case basis. In short, if a TCR asks for
their travel expenses, that should be met somehow.
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