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Please stop the contract with Telnic

  • To: <comments-tel-renewal-04aug16@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Please stop the contract with Telnic
  • From: Wilhelm Darwin <darwin-x@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2016 10:12:52 +0000

Please don't allow Telnic continuing destroying .tel.

If there is any change to rescue .tel, it will be possible only under the 
requirement that Telnic won't be in charge anymore.

Telnic has acted badly against all involved parties.
The biggest obstacle against .tel is the missing interest of Telnic in acting 
The management of .tel has been the worst management imaginable.
Why does Telnic everything to fight against its customers?

If Telnic will stay in charge, .tel will be destroyed completely soon.

It isn't understandable why Telnic is still allowed to be the registry for .tel.
Telnic should have been discharged long time ago.

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