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Comment about Renewal of .TEL Registry Agreement

  • To: comments-tel-renewal-04aug16@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Comment about Renewal of .TEL Registry Agreement
  • From: Luis Hernández <luis@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2016 21:11:58 -0500

To whom it may concern,

I have a small number of .tel domains. My comment on this topic is as follows:
1. The management of these domains has been disastrous by Telnic. Not 
only at the administrative level, but also in no communication with the 
community that formed around these domains. It seems that Telnic has no 
interest in continue to manage the extension, beyond benefits for 
renewal fees. ICANN should consider not renew the agreement with Telnic.
2. The ability to store information directly in the DNS was an 
innovative feature, responding to a need for a decade. But over time it 
has become the largest of its burdens. Those who have a domain under 
this extension we are limited by scarce resources involved storing 
information in DNS. ICANN should consider eliminating these 
restrictions. I'm sure if you are allowed to use these domains a normal 
hosting can become an attractive option for the end user.
Best Regards,
Luis Hernández

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