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Inputs received by ICANN staff, provided for the record without attribution

  • To: "draft-ssr-role-remit@xxxxxxxxx" <draft-ssr-role-remit@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Inputs received by ICANN staff, provided for the record without attribution
  • From: Patrick Jones <patrick.jones@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 12:29:47 -0700

The following inputs were received by ICANN staff directly on the draft
statement of ICANN's role and remit in SSR, and are provided for the record
without attribution:

Commenter #1:

"On a first quick read:

The document is good but at a very high level. It does not answer the
questions raised.

Specifically 'To coordinate means to actively engage with stakeholders in
the global Internet ecosystem to ensure' simply shifts the question to -
what does ICANN meet by actively engage.

Also, I would have expected to see some phrases like:  consult the relevant
stakeholders / support the relevant stakeholders / provide resources in
support / provide coordination and leadership when requested / etc."

Commenter #2:

"1. I could not find anything in the draft statement regarding ICANN's role
in facilitating / promoting security best practices relating to the
provisioning and allocation of internet identifiers. As an example, I would
like to see registries and registrars adopt multi-factor authentication.
Currently, some registries do it, but most registrars don't.

2. As interoperability is often a prerequisite for security and stability,
and is also mentioned in the AoC, ICANN's technical mission should probably
include facilitating interoperability in addition to 'coordinating and
facilitating the stability, security and resiliency and policy of these
systems'. I realise there is an overlap with other organisations such as
DNS-OARC, but my thought is that ICANN's role involves more
coordination-type activities, and is a little broader - including
provisioning and publication of identifiers beyond just the DNS root. In
more concrete terms, it seems logical to me that ICANN also oversees the
registration of 2nd level domain names in gTLDs as provided by registrars."

Commenter #3:

"I think it is a really good idea to let the community have a say about this
.htm> . Well done!
"I personally very much like the language that 'This is a shared
responsibility among the community of multi-stakeholder participants in the
Internet ecosystem and not one borne alone by ICANN as a singular entity.'"
"However, I am not so sure about 'ICANN is able to enforce its contracts
with third parties, including domain name registration providers.' -
registration providers are much broader than just registries and registrars,
so this could be misinterpreted that ICANN can enforce third party contracts
beyond registry and registrar agreements.
"Also unsure about 'Furthermore, ICANN does play a role in supporting the
work of law enforcement or government agencies in carrying out legitimate
actions at their request.' ­ this is very vague and open ended.
Just my thoughts."

Patrick L. Jones
Senior Director, Security
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
1101 New York Ave, NW, Suite 930
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: +1 202 570 7115

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