Comments on DRDWG Issue Analysis Report
The DRDWG have done a great job collecting all this information and presenting it in the "Issue Analysis Report" Below are comments on questions specified in the call for comments.Q1: Is the methodology developed and employed adequate for the purposes of the DRDWG? Comment 1: It is simple but seems to be adequate. The balance is found to present information in a neutral unbiased way. Q2: Do the policy statements identified provide an adequate baseline toevaluate the actual practices of IANA and the ICANN Board relative to delegation, re-delegation and retirement of ccTLDs? Comment 2: Yes. The 3 "Policy StatementS" are identified: * RFC1591 * ICP1 * GAC Principles 2000 and 2005In the report there is a good analysis and reference to RFC1591 and ICP1, but there is no summary and analysis what impact did it make on the IANA and ICANN decision and practice. Q3: Are there other policy statements which are applicable to the work of the DRDWG? Should they be included in the baseline? Comment 3: Nothing can be advised, however see previous comment.Q4: Does the documentation identified provide an adequate representation of the actual practices of IANA and the ICANN Board relative to delegation, redelegation and retirement of ccTLDs? Comment 4: Yes. Q5: Should other cases be included for analyses? Comment 5: No comments. Q6: Is there other documentation which is applicable to the work of the DRDWG which should be analyzed?Comment 6: For current report, at this stage no other documents can be recommended. However, it is possible, when ccNSO moves to new policies development, other documents external to ICANN/IANA/GAC should be analysed, e.g. IGF, ITU-T or ISO, EU documents, to make further ICANN/IANA policies consistent with other related developments. Q7: Was the methodology properly applied to the cases?Comment 7: Yes. As mentioned in Comment 1, information provided adequately sufficient and in a form suitable for further analysis and decisions. Best Regards, Yuri Demchenko Consultant to the Fund of Internet Development (Russia) .SU PDP Project