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Re: [dssa] Mp3 & Transcript / DSSA 21 July 2011

  • To: "DSSA WG" <dssa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [dssa] Mp3 & Transcript / DSSA 21 July 2011
  • From: "John R Levine" <johnl@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 23 Jul 2011 23:36:05 +0200

The next DSSA Working Group call will take place on Thursday 28 July 2011 at 
1300 UTC..

Sorry to miss another call, I'm travelling again. Should be back after 1 Aug and can try to catch up.

John Levine, johnl@xxxxxxxxx, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
"I dropped the toothpaste", said Tom, crestfallenly.

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