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Re: [dssa] one-page walk-around document for Dakar

  • To: "Mike O'Conner" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [dssa] one-page walk-around document for Dakar
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 12:42:59 -0700

You betcha!


On 10/13/11 3:40 PM, "Mike O'Conner" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> hi Julie,
> yep, that'll work.
> thanks!
> m
> On Oct 13, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Julie Hedlund wrote:
>> Hi Mikey,
>> The problem is that materials may not be there when DSSA-WG members look for
>> them and staff will not be able to mind the table to replenish them when
>> they are gone. So we can't be sure that there would be a pile available
>> whenever a DSSA-WG member stopped by.  However, we can make sure there are
>> copies at each DSSA-WG event where the members can pick up extras to carry
>> around.  The members would be at the events in any case and staff also will
>> be there to provide copies.
>> Thanks,
>> Julie
>> On 10/13/11 3:28 PM, "Mike O'Conner" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> hi Julie,
>>> i think one handy thing would be a central place where DSSA-members could
>>> pick
>>> up copies when they need them.  The Rack was what we settled on during the
>>> call, but maybe there's some other place that would work?  i'd be inclined
>>> to
>>> just have a stack on the table -- i don't think it's terrible if a) we run
>>> out
>>> every once in a while or b) there's nobody there to talk to people about it.
>>> but having a pile of them available *would* be helpful.
>>> mikey
>>> On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:49 PM, Julie Hedlund wrote:
>>>> Mikey,
>>>> Just one issue that Bart and Patrick and I discussed with the ICANN
>>>> Meetings
>>>> Department after this morning's DSSA-WG meeting.  In Dakar, there isn't
>>>> really a "rack" or a booth that we can use to put copies of the document.
>>>> (There will be a table but it won't be occupied so there won't be someone
>>>> there to put out materials when they run out, speak about them, etc.)  So,
>>>> we would like to suggest that perhaps we could simply focus on having the
>>>> copies available at the status-update sessions, as carry-arounds for
>>>> hallway
>>>> conversations, postings, etc.  (That is, all of the other suggestions
>>>> below.)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Julie 
>>>> On 10/13/11 2:28 PM, "Mike O'Conner" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> hi all,
>>>>> here's a one page (printed on two sides) document that summarizes the very
>>>>> top
>>>>> level of the Threats and Vulnerabilities work that we've been doing.  for
>>>>> those of you who missed the call, here's our thinking:
>>>>> -- copies of this document will be placed in The Rack in ICANN's booth for
>>>>> those who are interested.
>>>>> -- copies will also be available in each of the status-update sessions in
>>>>> the
>>>>> ACs and SOs
>>>>> -- DSSA members (that would be you) are encouraged to carry a few of these
>>>>> around with you and share them with interested folks in "hallway
>>>>> conversations" during the week in Dakar
>>>>> -- a copy of this document should be posted on each update-meeting on the
>>>>> ICANN-meeting wiki (AC/SO update sessions as well as the DSSA face to face
>>>>> meeting on Thursday)
>>>>> -- a copy will also be put on the At Large meeting thumbdrive
>>>>> it's a little bit busy, but doesn't look too bad when printed out.  i
>>>>> couldn't
>>>>> figure out how to put a contact email-address on here, so i listed us all
>>>>> --
>>>>> in hopes that we could all become ambassadors for the work.
>>>>> mikey
>>> - - - - - - - - -
>>> phone  651-647-6109
>>> fax    866-280-2356
>>> web  http://www.haven2.com
>>> handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google,
>>> etc.)
> - - - - - - - - -
> phone  651-647-6109
> fax    866-280-2356
> web  http://www.haven2.com
> handle OConnorStP (ID for public places like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.)

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