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[dssa] Risk management methods

  • To: dssa@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [dssa] Risk management methods
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 17:28:57 -0600

hi all,

we had a conversation about identifying methodologies that we could use to 
structure our "analysis" work on todays call.  i was too busy talking to notice 
the incredibly productive chat session that was going on until later in the 
day, but i've started another mind-map using the stuff that you all posted 

i'm including a one-page view of what we have so far in this note -- a really 
great start.  and i've built another wiki page where revised versions of this 
work will go.  here's a link to the new page;


we blasted this out in about 10 minutes -- so i would encourage all of you to 
take a look at what we have so far and suggest additional possibilities.  

a personal observation -- most of these standards are behind pay-walls.  which 
is fine, that's how they get built and maintained.  but we need a way to get 
access to the standards for our group.  i'm really REALLY interested in getting 
to the details of how we do the analysis and we need to be able to access the 
"real" standards (rather than the advertisements for them) in order to do this. 
 several ideas come to mind.

- we could buy them all (they're not that expensive -- $US 100-500 seems to be 
the range

- those of us who have licenses could brief the rest of us on a call as to what 
the "analysis" workplan steps look like

- we could limit ourselves to the ones that are free (eg OCTAVE)

or something else.  so let's have two conversations on this thread.  

-- are there other standards/methodologies we should consider looking at for 
ideas?  if so, send a link or something

-- any ideas about how to extract the knowledge we need to build our workplan?

pretty neat stuff,


Attachment: DSSA - Risk management methods - v1 - map only.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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