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[dssa] Chat Transcript DSSA WG 22-12-2100

  • To: "dssa@xxxxxxxxx" <dssa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [dssa] Chat Transcript DSSA WG 22-12-2100
  • From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 07:05:54 -0800

  CLO:Hi there
  Mike O'Connor:howdy doody
  Greg Aaron:Hi -- I can join via Adobe only today. --Greg
  Jim Galvin:Jim Galvin here.  I said on the list I wasn't attending but my 
schedule has changed and I am now here instead.
  Jim Galvin:Here's the link:  
  Jim Galvin:To the document Scott is talking about.
  CLO:Thanks  jim ( and welcome)
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:IMHO both 8 & 10 rate pretty high
  Forest Rosen:above the TLD  servers would be the Root (.) servers
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Zone servers
  Forest Rosen:statement not a question
  Forest Rosen:if TLD is Major, Root would require a higher designation...
  Forest Rosen:we have seen configuration errors bring down 'minor
  Forest Rosen:we have seen configuration errors bring down 'minor' TLD servers 
in the recent past.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I did not suggest to evaluate it at every branch -- i 
just wanted to put on the record that perception would play a big role even 
though technical impact might be small
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Mitigation plays a large part in improving perception
  John Levine:If .TRAVEL went away, would anyone notice other than me?
  John Levine:But mostof them outsource the actual operation to afilias, vrsn, 
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Many smalle roperations will be able to resources 
secondaries etc.
  Forest Rosen:this vote was for Likelyhood, correct?
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Apologies but I need to go - chairing another call 
starting now.
  Jim Galvin:Yes, we're at the top of the hour.  I too need to go in 2 
  Don Blumenthal:I have another meeting also.
  CLO:Me too    Got  to go in 2  AC rooms  atm  All the best of the season  to 
you all  chat again  next calander year :-)
  CLO:Good  FEEDback  Mikey  ALL good
  Greg Aaron:hhappy holidays
  Katrina Sataki:happy holidays!
  Bart:By all
  Katrina Sataki:bye!

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