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[dssa] Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript DSSA 12th January 2012

  • To: "dssa@xxxxxxxxx" <dssa@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [dssa] Adobe Connect - Chat Transcript DSSA 12th January 2012
  • From: Nathalie Peregrine <nathalie.peregrine@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 07:24:32 -0800

  Rossella Mattioli:hi everyone!
  Nathalie  Peregrine:Hello!
  Katrina Sataki:hi! :-)
  Patrick Jones:Hello all
  Roy Arends:Hi all
  Bart:Hi All
  CLO:Hi Bart  speding  quite some time togetjer to day aren't we ?
  Don Blumenthal:"Full control"?
  Bart:HI CLO, yes:-),
  Forest Rosen:Weighted average
  Forest Rosen:could we define R = I * L
  Mark Kosters:it is
  Mark Kosters:i'm looking for donations for getting this fixed
  CLO:Mark  some pof my work in accessability  here in telco land  might help 
  CLO:there ARE alternates methods of "acceptance I'm sure ;-)
  Forest Rosen:We should stay with Likelyhood as our documented scores and then 
calculate Relevence
  Forest Rosen:Mikey - I volunteer to help you with the calulcations
  Roy Arends:http://www.donelan.com/dnstimeline.html
  Roy Arends:wrong button on the headset, now dialing in again
  Patrick Jones:This will be really good work & useful in a number of areas 
(even outside of ICANN), so it is appreciated that the group is taking its time 
to walk through this carefully
  CLO:I Gree Patrick  thus  the need to back track over the few we have already 
done IMO
  Roy Arends:the use of  "Likelihood" outside a probabilistic, or deterministic 
algorithmic context makes more sense. Apologies for the confusion.
  CLO:YUp  do it RIGHT  now  works  for me
  Don Blumenthal:Roy,thanks for the link It will be very useful on another 
  Mark Kosters:Don - not all of the dates are correct but it did capture a 
number of events that was seen by the general public
  Mark Kosters:was/were
  Roy Arends:anytime Don
  Don Blumenthal:Thanks for the qualifier. The steps are what I need.
  Jacques Latour:lots of echo here
  Don Blumenthal:Sorry. Line dropped and I forgot to hit mute when Adobe 
  Joerg Schweiger:I think we just do not know what we mean be "relevance"
  Mark Kosters:17 Jul 1997 - com/net/org off the air
  Jacques Latour:since when? ever?
  Roy Arends:UK, DE, SE, FR in 2011
  Roy Arends:or was it 2010
  Roy Arends:it was UK in 2010
  Mark Kosters:lots of CC tlds are in this camp
  Mark Kosters:3rd world ones
  Edmon:should we consider the amount of traffic vs. number of domains in 
zone?... it could be the case in the future of say a  TLD with not a lot of 
registration s but actually hcommanding a lot of traffic, i.e. affecting a lot 
of users
  Edmon:ok i must apologize for missing a cuople of previous meetings
  Edmon:thanks cheryl for the explanation
  CLO:NP "=_
  Mark Kosters:happend here too
  Mark Kosters:.FR NS foobar
  Mark Kosters:almost every case is bad glue
  Mark Kosters:i need to leave
  Mark Kosters:bye everyone
  Don Blumenthal:So long
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok Mark Thanks
  Rossella Mattioli:I need to leave, sorry. see you next week
  Bart:Bye all
  Jacques Latour:bye
  Katrina Sataki:thank you! bye!
  Rick Wilhelm:thx

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