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Clarification of WHOIS Requirements

  • To: e-gtld-transition@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Clarification of WHOIS Requirements
  • From: smosenkis@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:06:22 -0700 (PDT)

Patrick Vande Walle's comment of June 29 in this forum cited a remark made by 
Paul Twomey during the public forum session in Sydney.  In the interest of 
completeness, that comment should be read in conjunction with the following 
clarification made by Paul Twomey at the ICANN board meeting Board meeting in 
Sydney the next day (see 

"Earlier this week in discussing the subject of WHOIS requirements for new 
gTLDs, I referenced dot tel as an example of ICANN making an accommodation for 
a registry operator in response to issues of compliance with local data 
protection laws. ICANN's procedure for handling WHOIS conflicts with privacy 
law will be available for all registries and registrars that might have issues 
along these lines in the future. To clarify, the current proposed WHOIS 
requirements for the new gTLDs are set forth in detail in the recently posted 
revised excerpt from the new gTLD applicant guidebook, which is open for public 
comment through the 20th of July, 2009." 

- Sam Mosenkis


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