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Bulgaria should receive the right to apply for re-evaluation

  • To: fast-track-review-2010@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Bulgaria should receive the right to apply for re-evaluation
  • From: Nikola Marinov <niki.marinov.bg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 17:30:08 +0200

My comments on the public discussion:

1. Objection/re-evaluation rights
Bulgaria should receive the right to apply for re-evaluation, but if
not, the users will not agree on another string and we will remain
without an IDN domain.

2. Confusingly similar string
I`m not sure if the DNS Stability panel is working well. Nobody saw
the reasoning behind the decision for Bulgaria. Why?

3. IDN tables
Tables should be reviewed and checked for letters that are not part of
the official country alphabet.

4. Community Support
More guidelines on "who is treated as a part of the local community"
should be included.

5. Transparency
The process is ABSOLUTELY NOT open and transparent. NOBODY from
Bulgaria was able to receive the reasoning behind the rejection of the
IDN cctld application. Only a brief report from the panel was
circulated in forums and mailing lists.

6. Disputes, Determination of the IDN ccTLD Manager, Meaningfulness.
IMO, the fast-track works great in these parts.

*Niki Marinov*


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