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A request for an extension of the public comments period

  • To: fast-track-review-2010@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: A request for an extension of the public comments period
  • From: Eric Brunner-Williams <ebw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 11:05:14 -0500

Dear Tina,

I request that the public comment period be extended. The issues, not merely the specifics of any particular implementation issue, such as equivalency mechanisms for SC/TC or variants in other scripts, but also the unanticipated side-effects of creating a one-state-one-script approach to delivering labels in the IANA root in scripts other than Latin, are sufficiently complex, and the shortness of the standard 30 day comment period so unrelated to the timeliness of delivering labels in the IANA root in scripts other than Latin, that an extension into January would be beneficial, and cause no harm.

Eric Brunner-Williams
in an individual capacity

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