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[gnso-arr-dt] FW: Resolving outstanding issues

  • To: <gnso-arr-dt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-arr-dt] FW: Resolving outstanding issues
  • From: "Caroline Greer" <cgreer@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 17:11:16 -0000

Circulating this email again....not sure if it went through last time.
From: Caroline Greer 
Sent: 10 February 2010 16:56
To: owner-gnso-arr-dt@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Resolving outstanding issues
My apologies but it looks unlikely that I will be able to join the call
today or if I do manage to, it will be later into the call.
As regards diversity, I have a lot of sympathy for the position put
forward by Kristina and I could support it (although I am a little
unclear as to the Resolution part). As I recall, on our very first group
call we all seemed to be in agreement that any decisions around
diversity be made by Peter and Janis. I don't see how we can set
limitations and then have Janis and Peter apply another set of unknown
variables. That being said, I was happy with the compromise position put
forward by Chuck and Bill and I think the RSG could support it.
As to conflicts, again I could support Kristina's views but as a
concession, I would be supportive of some sort of note insertion
reminding applicants to be mindful of any existing ICANN leadership
responsibilities and how those may affect the ability to commit to the
review process. I would hate to see someone over-commit and then have to
opt out or do a half-hearted job. This is a new process for everyone and
no harm driving home the message that this really is a heavy load. As
for optics, I agree it could be an issue but again, perhaps we let Peter
and Janis make that judgement call.
I am swimming in emails at the minute - what are the set of preferences
that team members are presenting right now - can anyone direct me there?
Many thanks,

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