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[gnso-consensus-wg] GNSO Consensus Current Thinking

  • To: <gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-consensus-wg] GNSO Consensus Current Thinking
  • From: "Nevett, Jonathon" <jnevett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 15:32:10 -0400

Folks:  The following is my attempt to organize the current thinking
after discussions we have had related to the bicameral voting proposal.
I look forward to continuing the dialogue on the list and again on the
call on Thursday.  Thanks.  Jon


GNSO Restructure Proposal - for discussion purposes only


1.      One GNSO Council with two voting "houses" - referred to as
bicameral voting - GNSO Council will meet as one, but houses may caucus
on their own as they see fit.


2.      Composition


        a.      GNSO Council would be comprised of 21 Members - 3
registries, 3 registrars, 6 commercial users, 6 non-commercial users,
and 3 Nominating Committee representatives. (This point is subject to
discussion as each of the stakeholder groups might want to discuss
changes to the number of folks serving on Council, but there must be an
equal number of votes between registries and registrars, as well as
between commercial and non-commercial users, e.g. 4 registries and 4
registrars would be ok).
        b.      GNSO Council would be divided into two voting councils

Contracted Party Council - 3 registries, 3 registrars, 1 Nominating
Committee representative (subject to change as long as there are an
equal number of registries and registrars)

User Council - 6 commercial users, 6 non-commercial users, 1 Nominating
Commitee representative (subject to change as long as there are an equal
number of commercial and non-commercial users)


3.      Leadership

        a.      One GNSO Council Chair appointed by Nominating Committee
        b.      Two GNSO Vice Chairs - one elected from each of the
voting councils 


4.      Voting Thresholds

        a.      Create an Issues Report - either greater than 25% vote
of both houses or simple majority of one house (currently 25% of vote of
        b.      Initiate a PDP within Scope of the GNSO per ICANN Bylaws
and advice of ICANN GC - at least a 33% vote of both houses (currently
>33% of vote of Council)
        c.      Initiate a PDP not within Scope of the GNSO per ICANN
Bylaws and advice of ICANN GC - at least a 67% majority of one house and
a simple majority of the other (currently 33% of vote of Council)
        d.      Appoint a Task Force - at least 33% vote of both houses
(currently 50% of vote of Council)
        e.      Options for Approval of a PDP without Super-Majority
(currently 50% of vote of Council)

simple majority of both houses; or

                                                             ii.      at
least 67% majority or one house and simple majority of the other; or

simple majority of both houses, but requires that at least one
representative of at least 3 of the 4 stakeholder groups supports

        f.      Options for Super-Majority Approval of a PDP (currently
67% of vote of Council)

at least 67% majority of both houses; or

                                                             ii.      at
least 67% majority in one house and simple majority in the other; or 

60% majority of both houses

        g.      Removal of NomCom Representative (currently 75% of

At least 75% of User Council to remove NomCom Rep on User Council

                                                             ii.      At
least 75% of Contracted Parties Council to remove NomCom Rep on
Contracted Parties Council

                                                            iii.      At
least 75% of both voting councils to remove GNSO Chair

        h.      All other GNSO Business - simple majority of both voting


5.      Board Elections

        a.      Options for Election of Board Seats 13 & 14 at the end
of the current terms (currently simple majority vote of Council) 

Contracted Parties Council elects Seat 13 by a majority vote and User
Council elects Seat 14 by a majority vote; or

Contracted Parties Council elects Seat 13 by a majority vote and User
Council elects Seat 14 by a majority vote without Nominating Committee
representatives voting; or 

Contracted Parties Council elects Seat 13 by a 60% vote and User Council
elects Seat 14 by a 60% vote (requiring at least one representative of
both stakeholder groups to support); or 

Entire GNSO Council votes on both seats with weighted voting to maintain
parity between contracted and non-contracted parties.  Criteria for
Seats 13 and 14 would be that both may not be held by individuals who
are employed by, an agent of, or receive any compensation from an
ICANN-accredited registry or registrar, nor may they both be held by
individuals who are members of or directly involved in one of the GNSO
user stakeholder groups. 

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