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[gnso-consensus-wg] Latest Draft

  • To: <gnso-consensus-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-consensus-wg] Latest Draft
  • From: "Nevett, Jonathon" <jnevett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 09:47:03 -0400

Updated with comments from Steve: 


I removed the word "options" from 4f and 5a, and went back to old system
of removing NomCom (each house could remove its own rep on its own), but
added language that removal must be for cause and subject to Board
approval per ICANN's Bylaws.


I assume that this doesn't change Milton's view on the package because
he wanted the change and I am good with the following.  Who else?






GNSO Restructure Proposal - for discussion purposes only


1.      One GNSO Council with two voting "houses" - referred to as
bicameral voting - GNSO Council will meet as one, but houses may caucus
on their own as they see fit.  Unless otherwise stated, all voting of
the Council will be counted at a house level.


2.      Composition


        a.      GNSO Council would be comprised of two voting houses

Contracted Party House - an equal number of registry and registrar
representatives and 1 Nominating Committee appointee.  The number of
registry and registrar stakeholder representatives will be determined by
the ICANN Board based on input from these stakeholder groups, but shall
be no fewer than 3 and not exceed 4 representatives for each group.  

User/Non-Contracted Party House - an equal number of commercial and
non-commercial user representatives and 1 Nominating Committee
appointee.  The number of commercial and non-commercial stakeholder
representatives will be determined by the ICANN Board based on input
from these stakeholder groups, but shall be no fewer than 5 and not
exceed 9 representatives for each group.  

                                                          iii.      1
Council-level Nominating Committee Appointee


3.      Leadership

        a.      One GNSO Council Chair - elected by 60% of both houses.
If no one is elected Chair, the Council-level Nominating Committee
Appointee shall serve as a non-voting Chair of Council
        b.      Two GNSO Vice Chairs - one elected from each of the
voting houses.  If the Council Chair is elected from one of the houses,
however, then the Council-level Nominating Committee Appointee shall
serve as one of the Vice Chairs in lieu of the Vice Chair from the house
of the elected Chair.  If the Chair is elected from one of the houses,
that person shall retain his/her vote on that house.


4.      Voting Thresholds

        a.      Create an Issues Report - either greater than 25% vote
of both houses or simple majority of one house (currently 25% of vote of
        b.      Initiate a PDP within Scope of the GNSO per ICANN Bylaws
and advice of ICANN GC (currently >33% of vote of Council) -- greater
than 33% vote of both houses or greater than 66% vote of one house
        c.      Initiate a PDP not within Scope of the GNSO per ICANN
Bylaws and advice of ICANN GC - greater than 66% vote of one house and a
simple majority of the other (currently >66% of vote of Council)
        d.      Appoint a Task Force (currently >50% of vote of Council)
-- greater than 33% vote of both houses or greater than 66% vote of one
        e.      Approval of a PDP without Super-Majority (currently >50%
of vote of Council) -- Simple majority of both houses, but requires that
at least one representative of at least 3 of the 4 stakeholder groups
        f.      Super-Majority Approval of a PDP (currently >66% of vote
of Council) - Greater than 75% majority in one house and simple majority
in the other
        g.      Removal of NomCom Appointees for Cause subject to ICANN
Board approval (currently 75% of Council)

                                                              i.      At
least 75% of User/NCP House House to remove Nominating Committee
appointee on User/NCP House

                                                            ii.      At
least 75% of Contracted Parties House and simple majority of User/NCP
House to remove NomCom Rep on Contracted Parties House

                                                          iii.      At
least 75% of both voting houses to remove the Council-level Nominating
Committee Appointee

        h.      All other GNSO Business - simple majority of both voting


5.      Board Elections

        a.      Election of Board Seats 13 & 14 at the end of the
current terms (currently simple majority vote of Council) 

Board Elections -- Contracted Parties Council elects Seat 13 by a 60%
vote and User/Non-Contracted Party Council elects Seat 14 by a 60% vote;
BUT both seats may not be held by individuals who are employed by, an
agent of, or receive any compensation from an ICANN-accredited registry
or registrar, nor may they both be held by individuals who are the
appointed representatives to one of the GNSO user stakeholder groups.


6.      Representation

        a.      All three groups must strive to fulfill pre-established
objective criteria regarding broadening outreach and deepening
participation from a diverse range of participants.
        b.      All Stakeholder Groups must have rules and processes in
place that make it possible for any and all people and organizations
eligible for the Stakeholder Group to join, participate and be heard
regardless of their policy viewpoints.




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