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Re: [gnso-consumercci-dt] Number of domain names at the end of 2011.

  • To: "Michael R. Graham" <mgraham@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-consumercci-dt] Number of domain names at the end of 2011.
  • From: Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond <ocl@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 09:48:47 +0200

On 29/05/2012 06:24, Michael R. Graham wrote :
> I say this while noting that my link to AFNIC's "Detailed data on .fr" claims 
> that there are 2,337,685 domains for extension .fr as of May 1, 2012.

The figures I have for AFNIC might not be the latest ones so I yield to
you and your exploding head. :-)
It is clear that with such disparity in numbers, we'd need to identify
reliable and *recent* sources.
Kind regards,


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