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[gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] Proposal to cancel the weekly call - urgent

  • To: gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-contactinfo-pdp-wg] Proposal to cancel the weekly call - urgent
  • From: Rudi Vansnick <rudi.vansnick@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:42:05 +0200

Dear colleagues,

As we have today several meetings in parallel going on, Chris Dillon is also on 
travel, I’m asking you if we could cancel today’s call. I’m following the IANA 
coordination meeting in London, have a SO/AC leadership call at the same as our 
call and thus making live quite difficult … Sorry for this late message.

Kind regards,

Rudi Vansnick
Chair Non-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC)

Tel : +32 (0)9 329 39 16
Mobile : +32 (0)475 28 16 32

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