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Re: [gnso-dataprotection-thickwhois] Issues for Today

  • To: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>, Don Blumenthal <dblumenthal@xxxxxxx>, "gnso-dataprotection-thickwhois@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-dataprotection-thickwhois@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-dataprotection-thickwhois] Issues for Today
  • From: Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:08:41 -0800

Dear Alan,

You are eager as 1 hour early.

Please relax for another 50 minutes.

Cal at 1600 EST - 2100 UTC

Thank you!
Kind regards,

On 20/02/2013 20:05, "Alan Greenberg" <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Is this call on today?  No pone elese on Adobe except Gisella who has
>not yet answered my messages and on adigo "waiting for the
>subscriber" on code 3429.
>At 20/02/2013 02:54 PM, Don Blumenthal wrote:
>>My day was derailed further by a family medical issue. I had hoped
>>to synthesize the public comments further than in the staff summary
>>and also raise some questions worth pursuing that I saw in the NCUC
>>materials, but won't get through it.
>>I'll limit myself to suggesting some threshold topics to cover
>>today. Some came up last week but weren't addressed because of the
>>call's free form. Order isn't important. Please feel free to add.
>>1) What is our scope? Perhaps we should spend a few minutes looking
>>at the WG's charter. In addition though, and just as a for instance,
>>do we address issues that exist already with respect to thick vs
>>thin or that exist regardless of the Whois context? We probably will
>>have to, especially with regard to the first issue, because I'm hard
>>pressed to think of something that would apply only prospectively.
>>IN case you haven't looked at it recently, here is the link to the
>>Charter. https://community.icann.org/display/PDP/3.+WG+Charter. The
>>page also has a URL for the staff Thick Whois report, which has some
>>relevant points.
>>2) Will we limit ourselves to the comments or do additional research?
>>3) How much research or analysis should we engage in? To take one of
>>the documents from Ray as one example, are we in a position to
>>question statements of the Article 29 working group or suggest that
>>they don't apply? If the Article 29 opinion is determinative, do we
>>also canvas other parts of the world or other international
>>agreements such as APEC, or is the conflict point made sufficiently?
>>4) Should we look at issues related to third party data handlers and
>>service providers?
>>5) Along with #3, can we analyze the effectiveness of laws and
>>regulations? The EU Safe Harbor law, again a focus of the NCUC
>>materials, is a case in point. As an alumnus of the US agency that
>>ostensibly has the power to enforce it, I have a background and
>>definite opinions on its value.
>>FYI, I heard back from Dan Halloran in the GC's office. He did not
>>know if the Whois conflict mechanism has been used but promised to
>>forward my questions to the appropriate folks who work with
>>registrars and registries. I haven't had responses to inquiries
>>about the puntCAT RSEP.
>>Talk to you at 4.

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