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[gnso-dow123] FYI - Preliminary summary of 22 October 2005 WHOIS call

  • To: "'Whois TF mailing list'" <gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-dow123] FYI - Preliminary summary of 22 October 2005 WHOIS call
  • From: "Maria Farrell" <maria.farrell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:42:10 +0200

Dear all,
Attached is the preliminary summary of this week's WHOIS Task Force
conference call. The next scheduled call is at the same time, nextTuesday,
1st November. 
All the best, Maria
WHOIS Task Force conference call

25th October 2005


Preliminary summary




Jordyn Buchanan (Task Force Chair, Reg'r) 

David Maher (Reg'y)

Philip Colebrook (Reg'y) 

Ross Rader (Reg'r) 

Tom Keller (Reg'r)

Kathy Kleiman (NCUC)

Milton Mueller (NCUC)

Tom Keller (Reg'r)


Reg'r  - Registrars Constituency

Reg'y - gTLD Registries Constituency

BC - Business & Commercial Users Constituency

NCUC - Non-Commercial Users Constituency)

IPC - Intellectual Property  Interests Constituency 

ISPCP - Internet Service Providers & Connectivity Providers Constituency

ALAC - At Large Advisory Committee 

Maggie Mansourkia (ISPCP)

Steve Metalitz (IPC)

Niklas Lagergren (IPC)

Marilyn Cade (BC)

David Fares (BC)

Tony Harris (ISPCP)

Greg Ruth (ISPCP) 



Wendy Seltzer  (ALAC) 


Glen de Saint Gery - GNSO Secretariat

Maria Farrell - GNSO Policy Officer





1           Final comments on Final Task Force Report on advice & procedure
for resolution of conflicts with national laws


Jordyn asked for final comments on the Final Task Force Report before it is
submitted to the GNSO Council.  Marilyn Cade asked for more clarity earlier
in the introduction section on the transition from Task Force 2 to the
Combined WHOIS Task Force. 



.                    Maria and Jordyn to revise the introduction in line
with Marilyn's suggestion.

.                    Maria to forward the finalized report to the GNSO



2                                Update on Task Force Chair's participation
in GNSO Council call


Jordyn gave the task force an update on his participation in the GNSO
Council call of 20th October, 2005.  On that call, Jordyn informed the GNSO
that the task force report on recommendation 2 (advice and recommendation on
conflicts with national laws) was almost completed and would shortly be
submitted to the GNSO Council.  The Council is expecting the report and will
consider and/or act on it at its next meeting on 16th November, 2005. Jordyn
also informed the Council that the task force work plan envisages a
preliminary task force report on the purpose of WHOIS being ready by the
Vancouver meeting.  


The Council strongly encouraged the task force to have a report on the
purpose of WHOIS in a form ready to be discussed at the GNSO Public Forum
during the Vancouver meeting.  As the task force has spent 2 weeks longer
than anticipated on definitions of legal and technical issues, this means
the task force has a firm obligation to be effective over the next 5 - 6
weeks to come to a conclusion on the purpose of WHOIS, or at least on the
areas of agreement and disagreement. 



3          Purpose of WHOIS

The task force discussed in depth the technical and legal issue definitions
regarding WHOIS but did not come to an immediate conclusion.  As discussed
on the previous WHOIS Task Force call, the effectiveness of working on-list
needs to be stepped up, but the task force also needs to meet weekly in
order to achieve its work before Vancouver. 


Jordyn said that although the task force needs to define the purpose of
WHOIS before the purpose of the contacts, it may be instructive to review



*       Increase WHOIS Task Force call frequency to a 1-hour call, once a
week, starting Tuesday, 1st November 2005. 
*       Jordyn will frame specific questions to lead the discussion on the
next call. 
*       Task force members should review the constituency statements on the
purpose of the WHOIS contacts ahead of the next call



Next task force call: 

The next conference call will be held at the same time on Tuesday, 1st
November, 2005. 

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