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[gnso-dow123] Whois Operational Point of Contact Proposal Update

  • To: gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-dow123] Whois Operational Point of Contact Proposal Update
  • From: Ross Rader <ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:20:17 -0500

This version of the proposal contains two changes.

1) the requirement for registries and registrars to display the creation date of a registration has been removed. Comments received at the ICANN Vancouver meeting indicated that the display of this data was inconsistent with the other data fields displayed.

2) a statement of scope was added.

If you have any questions or further comments, please let me know.


Attachment: Proposal to Implement oPOC - 01182006.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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