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[gnso-dow123] Whois presentation to the GNSO Public Forum, 28 March 2006

  • To: <gnso-dow123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-dow123] Whois presentation to the GNSO Public Forum, 28 March 2006
  • From: "Maria Farrell" <maria.farrell@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 14:21:17 +1200

Dear all,
I have met with Bruce to finalise the presentation regarding the current
work items of the Whois Task Force at today's GNSO Public Forum. Attached is
the presentation that will be given.  
As Jordyn is not here in Wellington, Bruce has asked me to give the
presentation. Any questions regarding  interpretations of the formulations
of the purpose of Whois will be directed to Council members. 
All the best, Maria

Attachment: Whois Wellington3.ppt
Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation

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