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[gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Update - new members, work-planning, upcoming call, WG scope

  • To: "Fast Flux Workgroup" <gnso-ff-pdp-May08@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Update - new members, work-planning, upcoming call, WG scope
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2008 08:32:48 -0500

Hello all,<br><br>
I've been puttering around the web pages and wanted to alert you to a few
things as I've been thinking them through.<br><br>
<b>New members<br><br>
</b>Let me welcome a few new members of the working group.&nbsp; Ihab
Shraim (from Mark Monitor), Wendy Seltzer (ALAC) and Steve Crocker (SSAC)
have agreed to help out.&nbsp; Many thanks!&nbsp; <br><br>
<b>Preliminary/Draft/Tentative work-plan and schedule<br><br>
</b>I've taken a stab at breaking up our work into a series of milestones
and deliverables (and drew a little picture to boot).&nbsp; I've updated
our public wiki
(<a href="https://st.icann.org/pdp-wg-ff/"; eudora="autourl">
https://st.icann.org/pdp-wg-ff/</a>) with a summary, backed up with
detailed work steps behind the &quot;Tasks&quot; links for each
milestone.&nbsp; I'd greatly appreciate a review by those of you who are
&quot;process people&quot; -- I've looked at these a little too long and
need some fresh eyes on this stuff.&nbsp; <br><br>
<b>Upcoming call<br><br>
</b>Our first teleconference is coming up this Friday.&nbsp;&nbsp; Given
the way the work has laid out, I would guess that the first 3 calls are
going to cover a lot of ground and lay out the framework of what we
conclude in our reports.&nbsp; From there we will spend our efforts
refining, editing, incorporating comments and filling in
gaps.&nbsp;&nbsp; Here's a tentative agenda for the call;<br><br>
<li>Welcome, introductions - 15 minutes
<li>Review the work-plan and work-structure - 15 minutes
<li>Review and approve Round-1 Constituency Statement Template - 10
<li>Brainstorming session - the first of 3 - starting through The
Questions - 1 hour, 15 minutes
<li>Provide feedback on how the meeting went, areas for improvement - 5
<b>Round-1 Constituency Statement Template<br><br>
</b>Our first deliverable/milestone is coming up.&nbsp; We need to review
and approve the templates we're going to use for the Round-1 Constituency
Statements.&nbsp; My thought on this first round is that this be a fairly
unstructured informal (almost &quot;brainstorming&quot;) round in which
we collect ideas from Constituencies, followed by a more traditional
formal round of statements (Round-2) once we've completed an initial
draft report.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>
With that in mind, I've drafted a very open-ended template for this first
round and provided a pretty brisk 2-week schedule (the more formal
Round-2 is set at 30 days right now).&nbsp; Please take a look at it and
share your improvements with us between now and Friday's call.&nbsp; I'll
fold your suggestions into the draft and hopefully we can approve it
during the call.&nbsp; The template is here;<br><br>
<b>Working-group Scope<br><br>
</b>I'm going to respond to Marc Perkel's note about the scope of our
efforts.&nbsp; Having just emerged from laying out the tasks in front of
us, I'm going to propose the following.&nbsp; Let's limit the scope of
this effort to the charge that we were given by the GNSO.&nbsp; I'm
pretty sure that the &quot;let no good deed go unpunished&quot; rule will
kick in when we do a great job, and we will then have the opportunity to
do more.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I really want us to be nimble in our work, so
that this can be used as a model for other &quot;fast breaking&quot;
policy efforts in the future and limiting the scope is a great way to
stay nimble (and on schedule).<br><br>
That said, I see no reason why we can't brainstorm up lots of additional
connections between our work and the topics you raise, Marc.&nbsp;
:-)&nbsp;&nbsp; We can include some in the body of the report, some in an
Appendix.&nbsp;&nbsp; Another thing I'd like us all to focus on are areas
of immediate opportunity -- sometimes known as &quot;low hanging
fruit&quot; -- that we can pass along to the community as non-binding
suggestions in our report.&nbsp; Are you ok with that approach,
That concludes my report...<br><br>
Talk to you on Friday,<br><br>
<b>voice: </b>651-647-6109<br>
<b>fax: </b>866-280-2356<br><br>
</b><a href="http://www.haven2.com/"; eudora="autourl">www.haven2.com</a>
&nbsp; </body>

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