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Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Crafting a solution for fast flux

  • To: gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Crafting a solution for fast flux
  • From: Marc Perkel <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 15:57:51 -0700

OK Joe,

If I'm not jumping into the solution side to fast, what do you think is the best solution?

Joe St Sauver wrote:
#There appears to be more and more evidence that there are legit uses for #fast flux which makes me wonder what we should do about it. I should ask #this question.
#If there are legit uses for fast flux, especially relating to free #speech, then should we work to block it?

If fastflux is widely associated with hacked systems, distribution of
illegal products and services, costs diverse constituencies substantial
losses and is ONLY able to be controlled with the cooperation of the registrar community, how could we consider NOT working to block it?

#It also supports some of the suggestions I've put forth. That we craft a #policy to make more information available through DNS to help others #detect fast flux.
Information availability is helpful, and can be a component of a multi-
pronged approach, but improved information availability will not be sufficient to effectively combat fastflux (any more than things like DNS block lists are enough to effectively combat spam, or anti-phishing lists are enough to effectively eliminate phishing, or signature based antivirus products are enough to render malware ineffective)

#Then others, like myself and other spam filtering #systems, can use this information to help determine if email is spam or #free speech. The idea being that if a domain is fast fluxing AND it #wants you to give up your bank account information, that's not free #speech, that fraud.

Phishing is only one of many possible ills closely tied to fastflux.

#I don't think ICANN policy itself is going to stop fraud. However if #Whois information is provided through DNS information servers then it #can help others stop fraud.

It depends on what the policy is, and how aggressively it gets enforced.



Disclaimer: all opinions strictly my own.

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