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Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Crafting a solution for fast flux

  • To: Marc Perkel <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>, "gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Crafting a solution for fast flux
  • From: Dave Piscitello <dave.piscitello@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:18:22 -0700

Answering 2 emails at once.

However, I would like to propose a small change to the way we are operating to 
introduce some efficiency. We are all doing this as one of many tasks, and I 
would greatly appreciate if we not harp on a theme.

Marc, we have discussed your DNS change repeatedly and at least Joe and I have 
agreed that it has some merit and is worthy of consideration. Having said this, 
we have also tried to shift the discussion from this single-faceted solution to 
a broader one.

Can I suggest that, once Mike has documented a proposal, we agree not to 
interject this at (every) opportunity. Rather, let's make it incumbent on the 
individual to flesh out  complete proposal, post it to the wiki and I honestly, 
sincerely, will give it my full attention. But I also honestly have a hard time 
when a thread begins and is redirected to a previously discussed subject.

Now, specific to Joe's suggestions:

YES on public encouragement to ISPs to provide abuse reporting. I am curious 
whether you mean "flag the ISP" and if so, this seems (a) outside ICANN's remit 
and (b) I am not certain what the end goal is if we did flag them: block list, 
blackhole routes, or what?

YES on distinguishing between static and dynamic NS. I would suggest that it 
may be useful to have registrants identify address blocks from which name 
servers may be assigned static addresses as well, so that a change from an 
anticipated to unexpected block can be treated as an anomaly. (Have to think 
more if this is beneficial for dynamic, it's possible...)

YES on fees. This is much broader than antispam measures and even if it were 
only an antispam measure, if we can reduce abuse by investing in anti-abuse, 
I'm for it. We may end up asking for an expansion of existing database 
maintenance processes, changes to registrar web portals, etc.  Let's be up 
front about the cost and not have someone tank the proposal because it's an 
onerous load. I won't comment on the fee splitting considerations (outside my 
expertise). Also, the fees won't accrue to "poor" people - most poor people 
aren't registrants and if they are, they in all likelihood don't have a clue 
where their DNS authority server is much less how and why to change an A record.

YES on ISPs documenting address blocks where hosting is in violation of the 

YES on Marc's suggestion regarding port 25/587. This is consistent with MAAWG 

I don't understand your comments about NAT and broadband modems but would like 
to chat offline to understand exactly what you mean.

YES to considering ways to improve WDPRS as part of this solution space. Let's 
be positive and say we are attempting to add value rather to an existing, 
useful service, not suggest it's broken. I'm not fond of the "hi, you're ugly, 
can I help you with your makeup?" style of marketing ideas and products :-)

National resources cleanup and Microsoft update policies give me a headache. 
Neither seem to be within our remit so I'll take some aspiring and return after 

On 7/17/08 10:50 AM, "Marc Perkel" <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Now to address Joe's ideas individually.

Joe St Sauver wrote:
> Marc asked:
> #If I'm not jumping into the solution side to fast, what do you think is
> #the best solution?
> I don't think any single thing will eliminate fastflux, I think a
> multipronged strategy will be needed (including improved information
> sharing, as you've suggested). A short/very incomplete list:
> -- Publicly encourage service providers to have abuse reporting addresses,
>    and current domain/IP/ASN whois point of contact data (including an
>    explicit abuse contact in those whois records). Flag those who elect
>    NOT to do so.
I agree in general but we also need to migrate or mirror whois data to a
DNS based system so that it can be queried through automation rather
than manually. Whois is a manual protocol and not suitable for real time
queries by spam filtering systems. Thus the information in Whois is
useless to me unless I'm doing it by hand.
> -- Name servers in domain registrations should be identified as static or
>    dynamic by the registrant. If static name servers, the IP's used for
>    those name servers should be provided. If dynamic, that's fine, but
>    sites electing to use dynamic name servers should expect that their
>    choice will be taken into account when other sites assess their
>    reputation and decide what (if anything) they want to do
>    with their traffic. Charge a premium for dynamic name server domains.
> -- Changes to static name server IPs should also incur a nominal fee, split
>    between ICANN and the Registry, with the funds received from that fee
>    should be dedicated to abuse handling/security-related purposes at
>    ICANN and each Registry.
I'm generally opposed to using fees as an anti-spam solution. The reason
to me is somewhat obvious. Spammers have/make a lot of money and can
afford it. Fees tend to discourage use by poor people. A small fee to us
is a day's wages in parts of Africa. Alternatively we should require
capcha to eliminate automation, and if automation is required by legit
services then charge a fee for automation access.

> -- Encourage ISPs to document IP address ranges which should NOT be
>    hosting web pages or DNS servers, much as the PBL is used to document
>    IP address ranges which should not be emitting email.
I'm totally with you on this. I think there are a lot of things the ISPs
can do to eliminate spambots. I think consumer modems should, be
default, provide NAT or the ISP should just give consumers fake net
addresses (10.x.x.x) so that the web can't surf them. The idea being
that the average person is not a technical wizard and needs to be
protected from the internet. Thus if they got hacked and became a web
server or DNS server no one could reach it.

In such a sustem the more advanced user could turn off the NAT and get a
real IP to do what they do now. The threshold being that they go to the
trouble to turn NAT off and have the minimal skills to do that. Thus
freedom is protected and consumers are protected from the web surfing them.

Also - ISPs by default should block port 25 and outgoing email should
use 587 to talk to outgoing SMTP servers. Port 25 should be a server to
server port only. Again - the user would be allowed to open port 25
manually to run a legitimate email server. But by default viruses would
be isolated.

I could go on forever about ISP policy but I'll say one more thing. If
there were an open source project to create tools for ISPs to manage
spambots I think ISPs would use them. So if such a project were created
then I think it would take a big bite out of the spambot world.

> -- Fix the WDPRS process, so that fastflux domains with bogus contact
>    information can be efficiently reported.
I agree that reporting is key. Especially automated reporting so that if
an ISP gets reports from several sources about one customer then by
using automation that IP could be closed on the offending port. I think
this can be solved with an open source project to provide ISPs with tools.

>    What would such a "fix" entail? Well, I'd start with:
>    1) If one domain with a given bit of bad information is reported,
>       make it possible for submitters to request equivalent treatment
>       for ALL domains that share that same specific information defect.
>       Thus, for example, if someone registers 150 domains that all
>       have the hypothetical and obviously bogus address:
>       blah blah blah
>       you can't catch me
>       north, pole 99999
>       do NOT require someone reporting those addresses to report all
>       (or some fraction of all) 150 domains one-by-one.
Yes - even fake domain owners can be classified by being the same fake
owner. Thus if someone had 150 domains and multiple domains were
receiving complaints action can be taken against all of them.

>    2) Publish monthly summaries of unique complaint volumes by registrar,
>       by TLD, and by name server. Also provide a report by privacy
>       protection service associated with complained-of domains.
I don't quite understand this. Joe - you could build a wiki outlining
all these ideas.
>    3) FOLLOW UP on WDPRS complaints and make sure that something is DONE
>       about the issues which get identified.
>    4) Provide a channel for Internet users to report illegal domain use
>       (currently it is rather ironic that ICANN will let me report a
>       domain for having the wrong zip code, but not for hosting a
>       phishing site or child pr0n -- something's wrong there, I think).
>    5) Allow users to flag domains that appear to be fastfluxing.
These suggestion require 2 things that I'm asking for. Whois information
through DNS and an automated way to send the message to the correct
abuse address.

Suppose such information existed. Then the user can click on the "this
is spam" button and the message is sent to the abuse department that
handles the source where it came from. Thus the ISP would know instantly
where the problems are.

> -- Encourage the creation of national cleanup resources for those whose
>    systems have been infected by bots. These resources may vary from country
>    to country, but should include technical experts who can help clean
>    and harden infected systems (along the lines of what I proposed in
>    http://www.uoregon.edu/~joe/ecrime-summit/ecrime-summit.pdf )
Require Microsoft to make security patches available to the public to be
used even on pirated copies of Windows.
> -- Encourage ISPs to instrument their own networks, so they have
>    visibility into what's being done *with* their resources, and *to*
>    their customers. Fastflux can only survive if networks are blind to
>    upstream hosts.

To me the word "encourage" is the same as providing ISPs with free
tools. I'm sure 99% of ISPs are in total agreement but like the how-to
ability to make it happen. I think if they had the tools available they
would use them.

Maybe it's a matter of funding it. Suppose we raised a few million bucks
and funded an open source project to create tools for ISPs to clean
spambots from their networks? Maybe that's the solution?

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