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Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Questions for Rod's analysis

  • To: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>, fast Flux Workgroup <gnso-ff-pdp-May08@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Questions for Rod's analysis
  • From: Dave Piscitello <dave.piscitello@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 05:58:31 -0700

Several of these data requests were mine, thanks for transcribing them, Mike.

On 7/26/08 1:00 PM, "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Rod,

I just finished listening to the transcript, and distilled the
conversation down to the following list of questions.

- what is the distribution of TTLs (range, median, loci) for
public-facing hosts?
- what is the distribution of TTLs (range, median, loci) for
client-configured DNS servers?
- what is the relationship between TTL on DNS servers and number of
DNS queries against that server?
- what is the relationship between TTL on hosts and the number of DNS
queries that yield that host?

Anything that peaks your interest as you're working through the data
will no doubt be interesting to the rest of us as well.

Thanks again,


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