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RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Proposed additional text, section 5, following line 308

  • To: gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Proposed additional text, section 5, following line 308
  • From: Joe St Sauver <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 14:33:02 -0700

Greg mentioned:

#I like Joe's additions, but would add some material to read thusly:
#"If constraints were to be applied to TTLs in an effort to limit fastflux,
#this would impact organizations which rely on short TTLs in order to be able
#to relocate resources as part of the process of mitigating distributed
#denial of service attacks, would impact organizations moving namservers, and
#would impact organizations which rely on short TTLs in order to provide a
#variety of legitimate services, among others."
#There are a ton of services that use short TTLs.

Excellent rewrite. I really like it.

Thank you!


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