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Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Please respond - FW: Fast Flux Conference Details Wednesday 5 November, 2008--15:00 UTC

  • To: Fast Flux Workgroup <gnso-ff-pdp-May08@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Please respond - FW: Fast Flux Conference Details Wednesday 5 November, 2008--15:00 UTC
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 12:12:44 +0200


I am torn.

I think the FF is important and meeting f2f would be a good thing.

On the other hand I think I need to be at the other meeting to know what is going on with a topic that is on the council's agenda.
Any chance of another time?  an hour earleir/later?
another time? though i am afraid the possibilities are few and far between.
thanks for bringing in up.


On 4 Nov 2008, at 12:00, Marika Konings wrote:

Dear All,

In addition to many other activities, another meeting has been scheduled at the same time as the Fast Flux meeting coming Wednesday on Single-Letter Domains. Could you please confirm whether you are planning to attend the meeting either in person or by conference call so we can assess whether we should go ahead with the meeting or whether we should cancel it.


------ Forwarded Message
From: Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 14:46:53 -0700
To: <ntfy-gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Fast Flux Conference Details Wednesday 5 November, 2008--15:00 UTC
Dear All,

The next Fast Flux meeting will be held in the room called 'Al Manial' in the CityStar hotel (the venue hotel) in Cairo on Wednesday 5 November at 15:00 UTC, 17:00 local time in Cairo .
07:00 PST (California), 09:00 CDT (Cedar Rapids), 10:00 EST (Washington DC), 15:00 (London), 16:00 CET (Brussels), 17:00 CAIRO, 02:00 Melbourne next day.
PLEASE NOTE: That on Sunday 26 October DST ends in Europe and on 2  
November DST ends in the USA and Canada.
There will be dial in facilities and please use the same numbers and  
passcode as usual that are noted below.
Public WIKI workspace:

Dial-in details are below.

Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,

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