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RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Data Annex for Report - First Draft

  • To: "'Martin Hall'" <martinh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "'Fast Flux Workgroup'" <gnso-ff-pdp-May08@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Data Annex for Report - First Draft
  • From: "Greg Aaron" <gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 23:45:47 -0500

Dear Martin:

This is great material, and thanks.

Definitely add the data table (listing the numbers of fluxers by TLD, number
of total registration in each TLD, and flux scores).  

As you add narrative, I think it could help to include a definition of
"Total Number of Fluxing Domains by Date."  Does this metric tell how many
domain names you saw fluxing on a given day?  

Related: do you have stats for the average and mean lifetime (in days) of
the fluxing domains you detected?  (I wonder if Jose has stats for that

The pie chart on the left would benefit from labels for .COM, .CN, and .NET.

All best,

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-gnso-ff-pdp-may08@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Martin Hall
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 11:14 PM
To: Fast Flux Workgroup
Subject: [gnso-ff-pdp-may08] Data Annex for Report - First Draft 

My apologies for this being so close to our call tomorrow. The amount  
of data our analytics had to run over was gigantic and took longer  
than anticipated.

Based on conversations and suggestions to date, I've included 4 data  
visualizations for the 8/23 - 11/23 period:
New Fluxing Domains Detected by Date
Total Number of Fluxing Domains Detected by Date
Total Number of Fluxing Domains by TLD
Number of Fluxing Domains per 10,000 Registered Domains by TLD

I'm happy to do the work to turn Jose's numbers into similar charts.  
But I'd like the group to tell me that the visualizations I've chosen  
look OK or discuss alternatives before I take the time to produce them  
for Arbor's data.

I will also enhance this with additional narrative based on the input  
I get from the list and on tomorrow's call.

In line with the APWG report, perhaps I should also include the raw #  
registered domains/TLD in here as well?



Martin Hall
skype: martin-hall

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