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RE: [gnso-idn-wg] ***SPAM: Liaison to the joint ccNSO-GAC IDN WG

  • To: "'Sophia B'" <sophiabekele@xxxxxxxxx>, <rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [gnso-idn-wg] ***SPAM: Liaison to the joint ccNSO-GAC IDN WG
  • From: "Marilyn Cade" <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:42:15 -0500

Perhaps it might even be feasible to have two liaisons, given the
criticality of the feedback, and the high work load,  



From: owner-gnso-idn-wg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-idn-wg@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Sophia B
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 3:09 AM
To: rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: gnso-idn-wg@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [gnso-idn-wg] ***SPAM: Liaison to the joint ccNSO-GAC IDN WG


Thanks for the clarifications, Ram


' In discussions with the working groups, it appears that there may be
several meetings that are held that conflict with pre-set GNSO Council



Does the above mean that GNSO councilors may not be likely candidates? 



On 21/01/07, Ram Mohan <rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx > wrote: 

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Content preview:  Dear GNSO IDN WG members, I am pleased to see interest
 in the liaison role; several WG members have written in to express their
 interest. One common question has been what the "qualifications" are. 
 Please note the following observations regarding the liaison role: [...]

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ram Mohan" < rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx  <mailto:rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> >
To: <gnso-idn-wg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 21:09:41 -0500
Subject: Liaison to the joint ccNSO-GAC IDN WG

Dear GNSO IDN WG members,

I am pleased to see interest in the liaison role; several WG members have
written in to express their interest.  One common question has been what the
"qualifications" are. 


Please note the following observations regarding the liaison role:

-          The observer post is a relaying job, in many ways.  

-          The "qualifications" for the job is for someone who does not
insert their opinion, but rather listens keenly, relays the GNSO WG
positions and status, and similarly relays back to the GNSO WG positions and
status from the ccNSO-GAC IDN WG. 

-          Having the time to attend all GNSO IDN WG meetings, and also all
ccNSO-GAC IDN WG meetings will be essential.  We are talking about probably
16-20 meetings in the next 10 weeks, and a time commitment of probably an
extra 25-40 hours in addition to the time required on the GNSO IDN WG. 

-          Understanding the underpinnings of IDNs, especially the technical
issues (and therefore being able to distinguish signal from noise) is a
clear advantage.  Much of the discussions on IDNs still involve significant
technical areas. 

-    In our call this Tuesday, I plan to hold a *very* brief agenda item on
this area, but do not intend to allow our work to be slowed down by this




Ram Mohan
Vice President, Business Operations
Chief Technology Officer 
Afilias ( <http://www.afilias.info/>  http://www.afilias.info)
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e:  <mailto:rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> rmohan@xxxxxxxxxxxx | skype: gliderpilot30




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