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[gnso-idn-wg] Call schedule

  • To: gnso-idn-wg@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [gnso-idn-wg] Call schedule
  • From: Cary Karp <ck@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 17:43:21 +0100

I'm writing this note guessing that today's later meeting is likely to
be attended by a good number of those who were also on the earlier call
-- similarly to the "overlap" of the previous Tuesdays, and something
which was unforeseen when the original plan was established.

We are beginning to focus on important points of detail with an
intensity that can make it difficult to reconcile two parallel
discussions into an absolutely clear sense of the entire group's
opinion. There may, however, be a way to ensure that clarity without
forgoing the flexibility afforded by the two meeting times.

Toward that end, I would like to propose that we hold a single meeting
each week, but alternate between the earlier and later time slots. This
needn't be a rigid every-other-week pattern, and a preferred
alternative can also be determined from week to week.

Am I alone in feeling that a revision of our meeting schedule along
such lines might both streamline our action and avoid the risk of 
inconsistencies that can arise from independent discussion of identical


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