[gnso-igo-ingo] Final Call: SG&C Input Template for IGO-INGO Identifiers
Team, Here is the latest draft of the SG&C input request we worked on in today's meeting. This version includes the changes we discussed, including the modifications in the use of international organizations and establishing identifiers as names, designations, and acronyms. I also included the clean version of the request that will go to the SOs and ACs, which mimics the SG&C version. The deadline for any further suggested changes should be submitted to the list by Friday 7 DEC 2012 @ 20:00 UTC. If you do have edits, please use the SG&C clean version with track changes enabled. Once sent to the list, I will incorporate the agreed to changes into the master redline version. Given the holiday break, I proposed a deadline for submissions by the SG/C and SO/AC groups for 15 JAN 2013. Thank you. B Berry Cobb Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) 720.839.5735 mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx @berrycobb Attachment:
IGO-INGO_Input_Request_SG-C_v0.5.01_clean.doc Attachment:
IGO-INGO_Input_Request_SG-C_v0.5.01_redline.doc Attachment: