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Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] Draft paragraph for temporary agreement on qualifying criteria

  • To: GNSO IGO INGO <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] Draft paragraph for temporary agreement on qualifying criteria
  • From: Avri Doria <avri@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 16:29:37 -0500


I see the ECOSOC accreditation for general consultative status as relevant as 
any other criteria, perhaps more so - there are only 146 of these..  I have 
seen the process organizations go through to get this accreditation.  It is not 
easy and it is not quick  and it requires the approval of the States that sit 
on the Council.


Note: as I mentioned in the chat, I am an associate member and volunteer staff 
member of an organization that has ECOSOC general consultative accreditation 
and considers it an important thing.  I have never consulted this organization, 
Association for Progressive Communications (APC),  as to whether they feel the 
need for name or acronym protection.  I participate in this WG as a NCSG 
member, and while APC is a member of the APC, never thought of them as possibly 
benefiting from this extra protection until today when we started talking about 
ECOSOC coincidental with a week when I am trying to get my ECOSOC UN grounds' 

On 6 Mar 2013, at 15:03, Alain Berranger wrote:

> I do not think the ECOSOC list  is of much relevance to this exercise. It is 
> a relatively exclusive or even ad-hoc club of NGOs that work with the UN or 
> have collaborated with the UN at some point in their history. It lists over 
> 3000 NGOs - way too much for the kind of priviledges we are discussing and 
> not necessarely representative of the millions of NGOs in the world. This 
> list offers no  reassurance of some kind of international status (like the 
> Red Crescent Society of Algeria is on the list but not the Red Crescent 
> Society of Morocco or Tunisia - I don't see the IFRC there - maybe not 
> looking at the right place as the public list is not searchable... how does 
> that make sense for our purpose here?). It is almost an arbitrary list....of 
> "friends" of the UN.... a little like those on Facebook who have 3000 
> "friends".... Or to put it differenty perhaps, there are hundreds of 
> thousands of NGOs, probably more, with generous and worthwhile public good 
> missions not on this list... 
> Alain
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 12:55 PM, <Mary.Wong@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Draft of working framework for qualifying criteria - to be further discussed 
> (including added to or changed, if appropriate) upon discussion of possible 
> protection mechanisms:
> "The Working Group (WG) agrees that the following is a general description 
> and starting point for final resolution of the types of organizations that 
> may qualify for protection mechanisms (if any). The WG believes that it would 
> be useful, in coming to a final resolution of qualifying criteria, to park 
> the issue for now in order to discuss possible protection mechanisms, which 
> discussion may inform the WG's deliberations over qualifying criteria. The WG 
> intends to return to the issue of qualifying criteria at an appropriate point 
> in its discussions of possible protection mechanisms.
> The basic ground upon which either an IGO or INGO may qualify for specific 
> protections is that an organization has a mission that is in the global 
> public interest and whose operations are international in scope. The WG 
> acknowledges that it is extremely difficult to define the global public 
> interest and it may be that it would be inappropriate for either it or ICANN 
> to attempt to do so. Nevertheless, the WG agrees that the following factors 
> may serve as indications that a particular organization would qualify for 
> protection:
> (1) The organization, its names, acronyms and (where applicable) its 
> designation are protected by an international treaty; or
> (2) The organization, its names, acronyms and (where applicable) its 
> designation are protected by national laws in multiple jurisdictions, and its 
> organizational mission is recognized through inclusion on the ECOSOC list of 
> general consultative NGOs (or similar list)."
> Cheers
> Mary
> Mary W S Wong 
> Professor of Law 
> Director, Franklin Pierce Center for IP 
> Chair, Graduate IP Programs 
> Two White Street 
> Concord, NH 03301 
> USA 
> Email: mary.wong@xxxxxxxxxxx 
> Phone: 1-603-513-5143 
> Webpage: http://www.law.unh.edu/marywong/index.php 
> Selected writings available on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) 
> at:http://ssrn.com/author=437584  

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