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[gnso-igo-ingo] Proposed Agenda: IGO-INGO Meeting for 20 MAR 2013

  • To: "gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] Proposed Agenda: IGO-INGO Meeting for 20 MAR 2013
  • From: Jim Bikoff <jbikoff@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 16:43:22 +0000

Dear All,

Thank you, Berry, for this memo on alternative outcomes of this PDP.  Having 
considered the possible outcomes, the group should now focus on the 
deliberative processes that will produce the right outcome.  Now is the time 
for the group to devote its attention and efforts to crystallizing our 
deliberations about what those processes should be.  These are:

*         The governing rationale for protection (stated by Mary);

*         The qualification criteria (which the group has condensed into 

*         Thomas' insightful amalgamation of options for protection; and

*         The exception procedure

We look forward to discussing this further  in today's teleconference.

Best wishes,


James L. Bikoff
Silverberg, Goldman & Bikoff, LLP
1101 30th Street, NW
Suite 120
Washington, DC 20007
Tel: 202-944-3303
Fax: 202-944-3306

From: owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx> 
[mailto:owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Berry Cobb
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 1:58 AM
To: gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] Proposed Agenda: IGO-INGO Meeting for 20 MAR 2013

Dear All,

Please find below the proposed agenda for the next IGO-INGO PDP Working Group 

Proposed Agenda - IGO-INGO WG Meeting - 20 MAR 2013 @ 17:00 UTC (120 Min):
1.     Roll Call / SOI Update
2.     Review General Council Research survey response (GCO)
3.     Review Protections Proposal; WORD - (v0.3)
4.     Review Second Level Exception Process; WORD - (v0.2)
5.     Discuss Format for face-to-face Beijing Meeting
6.     Next steps & confirm next meeting (27 MAR 2013 @ 19:00 UTC (120 MIN))

Thank you.  B

Berry Cobb
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN)

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