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[gnso-igo-ingo] ISO-IEC Responses to Matrix

  • To: "gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>, Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] ISO-IEC Responses to Matrix
  • From: "Claudia MACMASTER TAMARIT" <MACMASTER@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 14:57:07 +0000

Dear Thomas and colleagues,

Please find our attached response to the Matrix, with clarifications and 

We would also like to extend our appreciation for some of the feedback we have 
received regarding particulars of the INGO criteria we have proposed.  Given 
the short time given before a preliminary report is to be drafted, we have 
attempted to include some of these ideas and clarification in our response to 
the Matrix,  e.g., applicant support program and request for subsidy for 2 
entries in the TMCH.
We would also like to clarify that our request is to protect the full name 
and/or acronym (short name) in 1 official language as specifically applied for. 
 And to suggest to include a link to the UN ECOSOC list, 
http://csonet.org/content/documents/E2012INF6.pdf, for reference.  As well as 
correcting the total number of ICANN regions to 5 (or alternatively using a 
percentage: more than 50%).
Guilaine (IEC) and Claudia (ISO)

Attachment: IGO-INGO_Protection_Matrix_IEC-ISO.xlsx

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