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[gnso-igo-ingo] Revised Draft Initial Report for Final Review

  • To: "gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-igo-ingo] Revised Draft Initial Report for Final Review
  • From: Brian Peck <brian.peck@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2013 17:39:51 -0700

Dear WG Members,

Please find attached an updated and revised version of the Initial Report
for your review.  Also attached for comparison purposes is a PDF version of
the draft which incorporated the most recent comments.  Our goal for next
Wednesday's call after discussion about a few remaining issues is to obtain
agreement from the WG to publish the Report for public comment next week.

As you will see, we have incorporated most of the suggested edits and
addressed the majority of comments hopefully in a manner that is agreeable
to the WG.  There are a few small sections that are highlighted and/or where
comments have been maintained so that if still necessary after your review,
we can discuss on Wednesday's call.

With regard to the discussion on list related to whether the protection
matrix should be separated out among the IGOs, IOC, RCRC and INGOs, in
talking with Thomas as the Chair, he has pointed out that as the transcripts
and mp3's in ICANN's archive will confirm, the WG made a decision months ago
that the four types of organizations should be looked at individually. The
reason for that was that the group could not agree on qualification criteria
for all of them. The fact that we have not stringently kept that separation
during our discussion was due to the fact that the Board / GAC has treated
them together in terms of the legal basis for protections the Board has
approved, and that he has made clear multiple times that the WG would not
lump them together.  In Thomas' view, it is therefore in line with the work
previously conducted by this group that the four groups of organizations
should be separated and that the community should get the opportunity to
comment for each individual case and protection mechanism.

At the same, time, we want the community to focus and provide feedback on
the objective protection mechanism proposals and so, we have proposed a
compromise solution by maintaining the matrix in its current form, but also
providing an explanatory note on each page of the matrix:

The Working Group has made a decision during the course of its deliberations
that the four types of organizations listed in the scope of identifiers
above should be looked at individually in terms of protection for their
respective identifiers, due to the fact as noted above that the WG could not
agree on a single set of objective qualification criteria for all of them.
In the matrix of proposed policy recommendations below, IGO and INGO
identifiers are listed together for the sake of simplicity. In the case
where the RCRC and IOC are treated the same or listed together, this only
reflects the view and actions of the GAC and ICANN Board to date, and does
not reflect the approach of the WG.  Therefore, with respect to each option,
protections of IGO, INGO, IOC and RCRC identifiers may be considered
separately from one another.

This will hopefully inform the community of the approach the WG has taken
with regard to these organizations while at the same time having them focus
on the objective protection mechanism proposals rather than basing their
feedback primarily on whether a particular organization should be provided a
certain protection.  We hope that the WG members will find this agreeable.

If you have any comments or suggested edits please use this master draft and
submit them back by 23:59 UTC Monday, 10 June.  We appreciate your continued
support and contributions and look forward to finalizing and publishing this
Initial Report next week.

Best Regards,


Brian Peck
Policy Director 

Attachment: IGO-INGO_Initial_Report_v0.9.3.docx
Description: Microsoft Office

Attachment: IGO-INGO_Initial_Report_v0.8.7.1_redline.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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