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Re: AW: [gnso-igo-ingo] GAC Durban Communique Issued -- Note references to our WG and our subject matter
- To: "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang" <wolfgang.kleinwaechter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: AW: [gnso-igo-ingo] GAC Durban Communique Issued -- Note references to our WG and our subject matter
- From: Thomas Rickert <rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:49:40 +0200
This is just to let you know that I have asked Jonathan Robinson, the GNSO
Council Chair for a call to discuss this matter.
Am 23.07.2013 um 09:51 schrieb "Kleinwächter, Wolfgang"
> Gregory:
> I think it would be more proactive, practical and statesmanlike to raise the
> issue now, and at least see what the stakeholder groups and constituencies
> think and/or what the Council thinks. I think it would show policy
> leadership to face the issue now, rather than letting a series of potentially
> unfortunate events unfold.
> At the very least, we should be fully aware that we are rejecting the GAC
> Advice (to the extent we do so). We have every right to do so, and if that
> is where we end up, so be it. But I don't think we should proceed down that
> path without considering the results of such a position and why we are
> recommending that the Board and staff backtrack from their implementation of
> the GAC advice in favor of the GNSO policy recommendation. Our policy
> recommendation would be incomplete if it failed to acknowledge the GAC advice
> -- just as the GAC advice is incomplete by failing to acknowledge our Working
> Group.
> Wolfgang:
> Thanks Gregory. I fully support your appaaoch. We are moving into troubled
> waters and the way how we will sail will determine to a certain degree the
> future role of the GNSO and its council. Yes, we have to be proactive and to
> propose new levels and forms of dialogue. That is why I raised during our
> joint meeting with the GAC in Durban the issue of "early GAC engagement" (a
> promise from the Toronto Communique which weas not fullfilled so far by the
> GAC). Unfortunately, there was no clear answer from the GAC. They did not
> e4xplain in Beijing what "early engagement" is and they did it not in Durban
> The GAC addresses first of all the Board. In the triangle between GAC, Board
> and GNSO we are in the weak corner. As you have outlined there could be a
> situation where the GNSO comes with a recommendation which has taken the GAC
> advice into consideration but comes to another conclusion. Who will overrule
> whom? One example: As I argued in the WG, the GAC argument that only IOC and
> RC !
> are proteced in national and international law, is not correct. There are
> other organisations, which have a similar "double protection", as UNESCO with
> interntional treaties and more than 160 national UNESCO Commissions and more
> than 1000 UNESCO Cultural Heritage sites, all regulated in national
> legislations. And more problems come with the IGOs. For me it is still an
> open question why to introduce new mechanisms if the existing mechanisms have
> not yet been tested to identify the gaps and weaknesses of the proposed
> system (I expect that we will end up with a very small number of
> controversial cases which can than be handled by the various instruments we
> have now in the system, but this is - I agree - speculation). Anyhow, the
> only way forward is a more intense dialogue. Probably we should reach out to
> like minded GAC members and to find out, how flexible the GAC advice is.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Rickert [mailto:rickert@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 4:50 PM
> To: Elizabeth Finberg
> Cc: Gomes, Chuck; Shatan, Gregory S.; GNSO IGO INGO
> Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] GAC Durban Communique Issued -- Note references
> to our WG and our subject matter
> All,
> as you know, I have not been in Durban and as I have been away from my desk
> for a few days, I still need to catch up with new developments.
> A few observations:
> - While it would not be safisfying to work in an environment where a policy
> clash or parallel efforts might occur, I am not sure whether it is our role
> to try to resolve this. As Chuck pointed out, we should come up with
> recommendations and present them to the Community and Council.
> - I am not sure whether it is appropriate for us as a WG to seek
> clarification with the GAC. Rather, this would be a matter for the Council
> and ultimately for the Council Chair to correspond.
> - Also, I am not sure we should seek clarification. What outcome do you
> expect? The way I read the Communique leaves some flexibility for our work.
> Asking for clarification might further narrow down the options, which might
> not be a desired outcome. It is very well possible that the language has been
> drafted to be somewhat vague. That practice by the GAC is often used (IMHO
> exactly not to prescribe all details).
> More thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
> Thomas
> =============
> thomas-rickert.tel
> +
> Am 22.07.2013 um 18:43 schrieb Elizabeth Finberg <efinberg@xxxxxxx>:
>> +1
>> Elizabeth S. Finberg
>> Assistant General Counsel
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>> On 7/22/13 9:53 AM, "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I think there are reasonable chances that there may be 'policy clash'.
>>> Whereas we should consider GAC advice in our work, all we can do is
>>> try to come up with recommendations that have at least strong
>>> support, submit those to the Council and broader GNSO community.
>>> Chuck
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx
>>> [mailto:owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Shatan, Gregory S.
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2013 11:35 AM
>>> Subject: RE: [gnso-igo-ingo] GAC Durban Communique Issued -- Note
>>> references to our WG and our subject matter
>>> Avri,
>>> You didn't see it because it's not there (apologies for the slightly
>>> tongue-in-cheek heading). Our WG did come up in the GAC/GNSO Session
>>> on Sunday. There's no transcript of that meeting (at least not yet).
>>> My basic recollection of that meeting was that the GAC acknowledged
>>> that we and the GAC are on "parallel tracks" and that the GAC would
>>> be concerned if the GNSO's recommendations differed from the GAC
>>> Advice. Brian Peck
>>> (presenting) was rather in the hot seat. It would be great if others
>>> who were present could amplify or correct my recollections of that meeting.
>>> If anything, the Durban Communique attempts to paint the Board into a
>>> corner by stating that "the ICANN Board, further to its previous
>>> assurances, is prepared to fully implement GAC Advice" (on the IGO
>>> point at least).
>>> There is potential for a complex and difficult situation and, in the
>>> crush of events in Durban, it did not get much attention. Should
>>> this WG and/or the GNSO be involved in the GAC/NGPC discussions on
>>> this matter even if there is no formal track for such interaction?
>>> What if we show up after the Board implements the GAC Advice and the
>>> GNSO then issues conflicting Policy Recommendations? What if the Board
>>> votes it down?
>>> What if we are not finished by the time the first roll-outs are
>>> scheduled to occur?
>>> We should consider these, before there is a "policy clash"....
>>> Greg
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx
>>> [mailto:owner-gnso-igo-ingo@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Avri Doria
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2013 11:04 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [gnso-igo-ingo] GAC Durban Communique Issued -- Note
>>> references to our WG and our subject matter
>>> Hi,
>>> I guess I need to reread it, while I recall them discussing the
>>> subject, I do not remember the GAC acknowledging the existence of the WG.
>>> But I read it quickly, so perhaps I missed that part where they ack
>>> our group's work, indicate a willingness to work with us and give at
>>> least some small indication of respecting the fact that we working
>>> hard (some of you harder than the rest of us) on the problem, trying
>>> to find a solution that is consistent with international law,
>>> Internet openness and the ICANN bottom-up decision processes.
>>> Apologies for missing the WG meeting in Durban, ATRT2 filled my dance
>>> card.
>>> avri
>>> On 18 Jul 2013, at 11:51, Shatan, Gregory S. wrote:
>>>> http://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-18jul13-en.h
>>>> tm
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