[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] For final review - consent agenda
Dear All, As discussed during the SCI meeting last week, please find attached for final review the latest version of the proposed language for the consent agenda. As a reminder, this issue was discussed extensively at the SCI meeting of 3 May (see notes of the meeting here: https://community.icann.org/x/JMTbAQ) and the language as originally proposed by J. Scott was updated accordingly (see http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-improvem-impl-sc/msg00172.html). The SCI intends to finalize this language at its next meeting, so if you have any objections and/or suggestions, please share those with the mailing list as soon as possible. With best regards, Marika Attachment:
Consent Agenda - Proposed Language - Updated 7 May 2012.doc