[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Action items from yesterday's meeting
Dear All, Thank you for participating in yesterday's SCI meeting. Please note the action items below. With best regards, Marika Notes / Action Items SCI Meeting of 6 February 2013 * NCSG has appointed Stefania Milan as an alternate member to the SCI * Item 4. Council liaison - Ron to send letter to the GNSO Council to suggest two options: 1) SCI Chair or Vice-Chair to participate as an observer in GNSO Council meetings, 2) appoint a GNSO Council liaison * Item 5. Marika to propose edits to latest version of the language on termination and suspension for further consideration by the SCI. To be reviewed / discussed at the next meeting. * Item 6. J. Scott to update language as proposed in the chat (amend pt 2 to say "In the event no one candidate receives a clear majority, the GNSO Secretariat will conduct an election between the two candidates receiving the most votes via email ballot and tally the results afte one week.") (completed, please see http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-improvem-impl-sc/msg00635.html) * Item 7. Consider further forming a sub-team to consider possible changes to the charter at the next meeting. Staff to review why full consensus requirement was included in the charter. Move this item up on the next agenda. Attachment: