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[gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Action item from SCI Meeting 20 March -- Re-Submitting a Motion

  • To: "gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx" <gnso-improvem-impl-sc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [gnso-improvem-impl-sc] Action item from SCI Meeting 20 March -- Re-Submitting a Motion
  • From: Julie Hedlund <julie.hedlund@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 14:48:56 -0700

Dear SCI members,

This is a reminder of the action item on re-submitting a motion.  The action
item is as follows:

1. Re-submitting a motion: ISPC, BC, NCUC are supportive thus far of the
suggested way forward if 1 (leave up to discretion of the chair) is removed;
awaiting responses from other groups.

The options for review are listed below.

Best regards,

Julie Hedlund, Policy Director

Possible Options for Addressing the Re-Submission of a Motion:

1.  Leave up to discretion of the Chair

2.  Set one or more high-level criteria (in this order):

1)  Provide a reasoning to justify the resubmission of a motion. Complete no
later than the deadline for submitting a motion --  8 days prior to  the
next GNSO Council meeting.
2)  Publish the text of the re-submitted motion. Complete no later than the
deadline for submitting a motion --  8 days prior to  the next GNSO Council
3)  Require a seconder of the motion from each house as a prerequisite for
placing the re-submission of the motion on the consent agenda.
4)  Allow a councilor to ask for the re-submission of the motion to be taken
off the consent agenda and to request a Council vote on whether to accept
the re-submission.

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